Water Mist Systems – The New Way To Fight Fires

While some fire-fighting is about solving problems in situations that create chaos, other fires are literal and burn people – sometimes to death.

Fighting fires has always been a part of human history. While some fire-fighting is about solving problems in situations that create chaos, other fires are literal and burn people – sometimes to death.

As many as 211 people lost their lives to fires in the UK last year. The fires reported in 2020 were well over 150,000. Fires will break out no matter what. Rather than ignoring the facts, we should take preventive measures to deal with possible fires in our homes or office.

Fire suppression systems have also evolved with humans, and the latest addition to the fire suppression industry is the water mist system.

Water Mist Systems are different from conventional sprinklers systems; here are some reasons why they are now being installed everywhere in the country:


  1. Fire Extinguished In Seconds

While the old sprinkler systems took a lot of time to react to the smoke caused by the fire, the water mist systems are quick to activate and respond to heat within 2-3 seconds.

When fire breaks out, extinguishing it quickly is the most important part. In some cases, when the fire spreads out, it takes hours to douse it, and till then, the damages caused by the fire are irreversible.


  1. Greener Technology

The most buzzing word in the 21st century is probably the word ‘green’. When climate change is seen as inevitable, it is our responsibility to choose products that save water and energy.

Water Mist Systems save more than 80% of water as compared to water sprinkler systems. The reason is the new technology that produces tiny droplets in size range of 5-300 μm. The small droplets create a mist that is more effective in putting out fires than sprinklers that target fire with thick sprays.

The tank size required for the water supply is also smaller than that of sprinklers, reducing the overall water requirement for the system.


  1. Grease Fire

A grease fire is different from regular fires caught by wood or carpets, or clothes. Grease fire catches on some oil or grease, and the grease fuels the flame.

Now, someone who does not know about grease fires would try to use water to extinguish them. The problem is that the water would splash the grease and spread it even further, taking the fire with it.

Fortunately, water mist systems do not throw water at the fire but use the mist to settle the fire flames down. The new fire suppression system has got you covered for grease fire too!


  1. Insurance Coverage

You may have fire insurance cover for your home and office. You better read the conditions of the fire insurance coverage before feeling relaxed about it.

Insurance cover will only reimburse any money for the damage caused by the fire, and that too for a limited number of things. But what about the damage caused by the sprinkler systems that douses your laptop, furniture, books and other valuable assets along with dousing the fire? The insurance cover will become void for all these items if they are destroyed by water and not fire.

In contrast, the water mist system is designed not to leave water on the surface of the things under it. The mist only suppresses the heat, fire and smoke, and then the droplets evaporate quickly from the surface of the objects, restoring your room to its original position.


  1. Smart Choice

As everything has become ‘smart’ now, it is no surprise that the water mist suppression from Water Mist Systems has the facility to send you an alert on your cell phone if there is a fire detected in your home.

Now, wherever you are, you don’t need to worry about your things at home. You will be intimated immediately if there is a fire, and you can bet it will be extinguished much sooner before you reach your home.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

A water mist system is a fire suppression system that uses the force of water to suppress fires. Water Mist System is a new way of fighting the fire. The system consists of 3 custom and dedicated products: The Custom Pump, The Patent Nozzle and The Hose and Fittings...

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

Water mist systems are used in fire protection to provide a fire retardant. This is done by releasing a fine mist of water into the air. This mist will then suppress the flame and cool the surrounding environment. Water mist system is used in buildings prone to fires,...

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Have Building Control said you need a water mist system for your open plan project?