Why water mist suppression is better than sprinklers

Once in a while, a breakthrough in technology changes the way we do things. Fire suppression has been a concern for people since the first houses were built.
water mist system open plan

Once in a while, a breakthrough in technology changes the way we do things. Fire suppression has been a concern for people since the first houses were built. The technology has evolved from using a bucket of water to smoke detecting sprinkler systems to become more convenient and effective.

The water mist system is a revolutionary upgrade in the technology of fire suppression. It uses tiny droplets to create a mist that puts out the fire, cleans the air and lowers the temperature.

When the water mist suppression technology came into play, the sprinkler systems became obsolete in a jiffy, and there are good reasons for that.

Here are a few to begin with:

1. Sprinkler Systems Detect Smoke When It’s Too Late

Sprinkler systems are designed to react to smoke, which has two problems. One, it detects smoke when it’s already too late, and the fire has caused considerable damage. The reason is that fire does not immediately produce smoke, and the smoke takes a few seconds to reach the detector on the ceiling. The detector also takes some time to react and set the sprinkler in action.

The second reason is that the sprinkler detects smoke irrespective of the source of the smoke. This means that smoke from a cigarette or maybe a science experiment in the lab can activate the sprinkler system and cause damage to documents or other objects unnecessarily.

Water Mist Systems detect heat instead, which is much quicker than sprinklers. The system does not react to smoke and does not spoil your things with false alarms.

2. Smoke Washing

Smoke detectors only detect smoke, but the sprinklers they activate do not wash out the smoke but only put out the fire. The smoke still lingers around even if the fire is out. The problem with this is that smoke is dangerous for human life. It is observed that more than 30% of fire-related deaths are caused by inhaling smoke. That is why, in fire drills, it is always advised to lay down and crawl out of a room on fire.

The solution is the water mist system that washes the smoke away with its small droplets and cleans the air to breathe well. It’s a lifesaver!

3. Damage To Belongings

Sprinklers sometimes cause more damage to the assets they are trying to save. It is because sprinklers spray thin streams of water around that might harm electronic equipment, wooden furniture or documents.

Water mist systems create a mist of tiny droplets that only put out the fire and do not accumulate water on the surface of devices or furniture.

4. Lowering Temperature

While sprinklers have the task of putting out the fire only, water mist systems lower the room’s temperature by reducing the heat and fire both. This means it is easier for people to move about and save themselves from the unbearable heat while finding the way to the fire escape.

5. Saving Water

It’s time to go green in everything. You can also play your part by choosing a water mist system that saves water. As compared to the sprinkler system, the water mist system saves up to 80% of water.

The savings are not limited to the water bills. The requirement for less quantity of water means that you don’t need a large tank for the water supply. A smaller tank would suffice for the supply to the mist system, saving you money and space in your home.

6. Aesthetics

Water Mist Systems are not functionally effective; they are good-looking too. When you install one in your living area, it will not make your walls look bad. It comes in white so that it does not have a color contrast problem because white can be matched with any other color.

The IPH water mist experts from one call can understand the fundamental requirements to effectively install a Water Mist System in your particular property. The best part is that Water Mist Systems gives a free quote for installation; all you have to do is upload your floor plans and you’ll receive a reasonable price quote from the best company that deals in water mist systems.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

A water mist system is a fire suppression system that uses the force of water to suppress fires. Water Mist System is a new way of fighting the fire. The system consists of 3 custom and dedicated products: The Custom Pump, The Patent Nozzle and The Hose and Fittings...

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

Water mist systems are used in fire protection to provide a fire retardant. This is done by releasing a fine mist of water into the air. This mist will then suppress the flame and cool the surrounding environment. Water mist system is used in buildings prone to fires,...

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Have Building Control said you need a water mist system for your open plan project?