Is Your House Safe From Fire? The Ultimate Checklist

Fires are not uncommon in the UK. More than 37,000 homes in the UK reported small or large fires in 2020 alone.

Fires are not uncommon in the UK. More than 37,000 homes in the UK reported small or large fires in 2020 alone. While it is not possible to eliminate the probability of a fire breaking out in your home, you can still take safety measures that can save your assets and perhaps your life.

Here is a checklist of the things you need to do:


  1. Make A Fire Escape Pathway

You must identify an alternative way to get out of your room and your house in case of a fire. You can then practice your own fire drill with your family members and observe your time to evacuate the house. Repeat until the time is reduced to a few minutes. In case of a fire, every second counts.


  1. Save The Essential Documents

Every home has documents like educational degrees, marriage certificates, birth certificates etc., that are either impossible or difficult to get from the relevant authorities.

It is wise to put these documents and other valuables in a fireproof safe. Just don’t forget where you put the key!


  1. Safe Cooking

Most of the fires reported in the UK started in the kitchen. While the same happens with arguments between couples, these fires need to be put out differently. Since the kitchen is equipped with electric appliances and gas stoves, any small fire can spread and make a big explosion.

It is important to make sure all electrical devices are grounded and no leaks in the gas pipelines. The wiring of the appliances should be checked regularly for any possible short circuit. The kitchen is probably the most critical area that needs to have a fire suppression system installed.


  1. Fire Insurance

Just in case there is a fire and some harm is done to your belongings, you should have fire insurance covering your most valuable assets.

It is important to note if the fire insurance covers fire, water and smoke damage. If it does not, you might end up with very few things replaced or reimbursed for because all other things would ‘somehow’ fall in the category not covered.


  1. Train Your Family Members

Just like having fire drills in the home, it is also a good idea to delegate certain tasks to all the family members before a fire is broken out.

The reason is that when there is a fire, people tend to panic and forget things. They are also concerned about the others and make the mistake of roaming around in the house just to make sure everybody has gotten out.

When everybody knows exactly what to do in a fire situation, nobody will do anything foolish, and the evacuation will be smooth and quick.


  1. Fire Suppression Systems

Instead of praying and hoping that a fire never starts in your home, you can get a fire suppression system installed in your home.

Fire suppression systems are designed to detect fires through smoke or heat and automatically activate sprinklers or mist systems that will take care of the fire before you know it.

However, it is advised to go for water mist systems as the fire suppression method in your home because it is much more effective than the age-old sprinkler systems.

Water Mist Systems has the best mist suppression systems that spray out tiny droplets through a mist nozzle. The mist douses the fire, lowers the temperature and also washes the smoke away. Perhaps the most important function of the mist system is the smoke washing feature because it is always the smoke that causes people to suffocate and become unconscious in a closed room with fire. Even when they keep standing, they cannot see much ahead because the smoke blocks their view, and they cannot find the fire escape area.

Moreover, water mist systems save more than 80% of water than sprinklers reducing your water bills significantly. If you are thinking of setting up one for your home, you can get a free quote from the website in no time.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

A water mist system is a fire suppression system that uses the force of water to suppress fires. Water Mist System is a new way of fighting the fire. The system consists of 3 custom and dedicated products: The Custom Pump, The Patent Nozzle and The Hose and Fittings...

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

Water mist systems are used in fire protection to provide a fire retardant. This is done by releasing a fine mist of water into the air. This mist will then suppress the flame and cool the surrounding environment. Water mist system is used in buildings prone to fires,...

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