Risks Of Not Having A Fire Suppression System

Do you have a fire suppression system for your home or office? If not, you need to read this.

In the United Kingdom, over 150,000 fires were reported in 2020, out of which more than 37,000 were house fires. What’s more startling is that over 200 people died in these fire-related incidents.

The risk of having a fire breaking out in your home might seem little, but ask the people who thought the same and saw their house burning down one day.

The risks of not having fire suppression are so many; it’s a full list:

  1. Loss Of Life

The first and obvious risk from fire is the risk of life. Even with fire drills being practiced in schools and offices when the time comes to make their way to the fire escape, people tend to panic and lose their way or freeze and collapse due to their overwhelming fear.

In such a situation, the firemen will take a long time to break in and rescue the person. On the other hand, a good fire suppression system like the water mist system will put out the fire and wash the smoke and reduce the heat in the room, very likely saving the unconscious person on the ground.


  1. Loss Of Assets

The next most important thing after your life is your assets. You might have valuable assets in your house like an expensive cell phone or laptop, or maybe sensitive documents that do not have insurance cover. You can’t insure your wedding gift and get another one if it gets burnt. There are things in life that just can’t be replaced.

Instead of risking the most important things in your life, you can call up and ask Water Mist Systems for a free quote and save your precious belongings.


  1. Too Late

Sometimes there is a small fire caused by a device malfunction or short circuit in the wiring. It could be easily put out if someone is at home. But what if you are not at home? The fire would gradually spread across the house burning everything down in its path.

With a mist suppression system from Water Mist Systems, you can get a fire alert on your smartphone as soon as a fire is detected in your home. So even if you are far away, you can call the fire brigade or intimate the neighbours before you reach home.


  1. The Wrong One

Some people are still looking for sprinkler systems that were used for fire suppression in the last century. If you install the wrong fire suppression system, you will probably have more trouble than not having any.

The reason is that when you do not have any fire suppression system, you manage things yourself and take care that a fire is not easy to be ignited. With the old sprinkler system, you will rely on fire suppression to do its job. It will either fail to put out the fire or put it out too late. Even then, the damage caused by the water all over the house will render your assets’ fire insurance void because they will not be damaged by the fire but by the sprinkler.

It’s only logical to install a water mist system that will extinguish any fire as the detector gets activated within seconds. The mist will only douse the fire and leave you with dripping electronic gadgets and furniture like the sprinkler system does.


  1. Legal Action

If you own a building taller than 11 m, you must have a fire suppression system installed by the law. The government of the UK passed a law in 2020 that makes it compulsory for every building over 11 m to have a fire suppression system. Also, there must be clear wayfinding signage put up at the right spots to aid the fire and rescue services in case of a fire emergency.

If you still have questions, you should not keep them in. You can click on this link and get answers to all the relevant questions in a minute.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

A water mist system is a fire suppression system that uses the force of water to suppress fires. Water Mist System is a new way of fighting the fire. The system consists of 3 custom and dedicated products: The Custom Pump, The Patent Nozzle and The Hose and Fittings...

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

Water mist systems are used in fire protection to provide a fire retardant. This is done by releasing a fine mist of water into the air. This mist will then suppress the flame and cool the surrounding environment. Water mist system is used in buildings prone to fires,...

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