Fire Suppression Standards You Should Know About

Always check standards when installing a water mist system. Here are the important Fire Suppression Standards you should know about.

Fire Suppression Standards You Should Know About

Fire suppression systems are now a legal requirement for all buildings in the UK that are over 11m tall. The reduction of the height for mandatory fire protection installation from 18m to 11m from November 2020 makes buildings safer from fires. It comes as no surprise because about 37,000 fires were reported in households in the UK in one year.

Suppose you plan to install or reinstall a fire protection system. In that case, you should know about the standards that indicate which suppliers have the best equipment for fire suppression systems, particularly water mist systems for your specific property. Here are some standards that will help you:


  1. IPH Approved iCO Distributor

When selecting a water mist system, ensure the company delivers your equipment from an IPH Approved iCO Distributor. The reason is that the device quality is tested according to certain standards that guarantee the device’s performance as specified.


  1. Test Standards

Water mist systems must comply with test standards to be considered for installation. The custom-built water mist system has been tested by independent third-party rigorous inspection by a UKAS accredited laboratory, Exova Warrington Fire, complying with the required testing and standards criteria.


  1. Performance Tests

There are two performance tests prescribed for fire suppression systems. BS 8458 tests whether a water mist system can control fire. Water Mist Systems has been tested and found to have the capacity to extinguish the fire in an 80m2 area.

Another test standard, BS 9252, checks the capability of the water mist system to control a fire following the principles of the test procedure. Water Mist Systems test output confirmed that when thermocouples were placed at 1.6m above the floor, the temperatures did not increase over 55°C for any 2-minute interval. In other words, the water mist system can maintain a temperature below 55°C at all times. The temperature lowering feature makes water mist systems superior to the sprinkler systems traditional technology.


  1. Smoke Detection Standard

For a water mist system to operate within specified standards, the smoke detection system should comply with BS 5839 point 6 Grade D LD1. Water Mist Systems ensures that the smoke detection to operate detection system and the heat detection to operate the nozzle are compliant with standards and do not deteriorate with time.

Once you are satisfied that the company you have selected for the installation is compliant with the standards, you can contact them for a free quote or upload your floor plans to know how much it would cost to install the device.

When you hire professionals who have standard tested equipment, you can expect the quality of the installation services to be at par with the standards. Having a fire suppression system installed has never been easier, so go ahead and speak with a water mist specialist to identify the best fire suppression design for your property.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

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