Causes OF Household Fires In The UK

Household fires account for a large proportion of fires in the UK every year. About 37,000 household fires were reported in the year 2020 alone.

Causes OF Household Fires

Household fires account for a large proportion of fires in the UK every year. About 37,000 household fires were reported in the year 2020 alone. While there can be many reasons for fires to start, the most common ones should be kept in mind so that one can take care of things in the house accordingly.

Here are the top causes of household fires:


  1. Irresponsible Smoking

While smoking is hazardous to an individual’s life, it is even more dangerous for people around smokers. Smoking irresponsibly and leaving a lit cigarette without disposing of it is the cause of almost 50% of house fires worldwide.

There are ashtrays in every smoker’s home; it shouldn’t be hard to use them every time because it is a matter of life and death for others.


  1. Cooking Area

The kitchen is the second target of the fire after smokers. Cooking appliances that use gas or electricity might cause a fire if they are not working properly. Hence it is a regular house chore to maintain appliances in the kitchen.


Also, while cooking, you should take care not to take too much oil while frying or leaving it unguarded. A small spark can ignite the oil, especially spilt oil, and take the whole kitchen within moments. It is also recommended not to put out an oil fire or grease fire with water. It will only splash the oil to other areas spreading the fire even more.


  1. Arson

While we don’t always feel that people are planning revenge on us, some might have ill intentions. People often use fire to try to harm the person they hate for any reason because fires can be attributed to accidental causes and leave no traces behind. It is best to keep your house safe from arson with a fire suppression system like Water Mist Systems.

 The reason to use water mist systems is that, unlike sprinklers, the water mist nozzles spray out tiny droplets of water to create a mist that suppresses the fire, lowers the temperature and washes the smoke. It is highly effective and reacts within seconds, so it is the ideal solution for fire suppression in households.


  1. Child’s play

Apart from the threat of Chucky trying to start a fire in your house, a fire can be kindled accidentally by children playing with a lighter or a matchstick. In such cases, the trouble is double because the fire will reach the children first. It is best to keep things like lighters away from the reach of children. Playing with fire is not recommended for anyone, and it goes for children literally.


  1. Electrical Systems

It’s not that common to see electrical circuits failing and getting a short circuit, but it’s possible. Places where rats run through the walls often see them nibbling on electrical wiring, making it possible to produce fire from within the walls. Sometimes, old electrical appliances also break down and cause a fire; it is best to keep them all maintained and insured.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

A water mist system is a fire suppression system that uses the force of water to suppress fires. Water Mist System is a new way of fighting the fire. The system consists of 3 custom and dedicated products: The Custom Pump, The Patent Nozzle and The Hose and Fittings...

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Where Are Water Mist Systems Used?

Water mist systems are used in fire protection to provide a fire retardant. This is done by releasing a fine mist of water into the air. This mist will then suppress the flame and cool the surrounding environment. Water mist system is used in buildings prone to fires,...

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Have Building Control said you need a water mist system for your open plan project?