A consultant plays an essential part in the installation of the water mist system. They know the strategic placement of it. And what is needed to ensure that the system is suitable when the fire breaks out.
Is Your House Safe From Fire? The Ultimate Checklist
Fires are not uncommon in the UK. More than 37,000 homes in the UK reported small or large fires in 2020 alone.
Water Mist Systems – The New Way To Fight Fires
While some fire-fighting is about solving problems in situations that create chaos, other fires are literal and burn people – sometimes to death.
Risks Of Not Having A Fire Suppression System
Do you have a fire suppression system for your home or office? If not, you need to read this.
Why water mist suppression is better than sprinklers
Once in a while, a breakthrough in technology changes the way we do things. Fire suppression has been a concern for people since the first houses were built.
Thinking of going open plan?
The IPH Process
– we keep things simple
We offer a free quote and design service for all property developments and refurbishments, whether it’s a new family home open-plan project or larger residential and domestic schemes, we’re here to support you.
1. Consult
Contact our dedicated engineers, provide project details with floor plans, free consultation.
2. Design
We offer free floor plan designs to support your approval process with Building Control.
3. Install
Once agreed to proceed we arrange a suitable time to install the full system (avg. 2 Day installation)
4. Certify
Your installed water mist system will be activated by an approved Water Mist Engineer.
5. Service
Our water mist system performs monthly self-tests, it only requires annual servicing