5 reasons to hire a pro to install a water mist system.

A consultant plays an essential part in the installation of the water mist system. They know the strategic placement of it. And what is needed to ensure that the system is suitable when the fire breaks out.

Do you think you can install a water mist system by yourself? Think again.

Whether you realize it or not, there are some legitimate reasons to hire a consultant to install the water mist system.

Even though the water mist system by Water Mist System runs monthly self-tests, you will still need a consultant. That’s because monthly self-tests are performed once it is installed. A consultant is required to reach up to that point.

Legitimate Reasons To Hire A Consultant To Install A Water Mist System.


1.     Dynamics of Installation

Dedicated consultants know the installation dynamics, which means that the water mist system will be strategically installed.

So why is that important? Well, a strategically placed water mist system increases the chances of detecting and extinguishing the fire just at the right time.

That’s because a strategically placed mist system means that it is placed where the chances of a fire breaking out are higher than other places in the house/building.


2.    Floor Plan

A consultant will give you a floor plan, which you can’t possibly make by yourself unless you are a relevant authority on the subject.

However, the question is: What is the benefit of having a floor plan? Why is it even needed?

Well, there are several benefits of having a floor plan. The most basic and essential of them is that you will have an overview of the water mist system installed.

So not only do you get an idea of why it is installed the way it is being installed, but you will also get the overall picture of its placement in the building.

However, its primary importance is for Building Control. The installation needs to elaborate a design of the floor and display its placement in the building formally. It’s an official record that a consultant is authorized to design.


3.    The Proper Execution

To ensure proper execution of the mist system, you need a consultant. Period. Now, there are certain aspects to this statement.

The management and utilization of all the required resources are essential to install a mists system safely. That’s how a consultant can ensure you that the system will not fall apart in front of your eyes amidst the Chaos.


4.    Certification

Unless the consultant certifies the mist system, you should know that it’s not in a stable position. Which means it can’t be utilized properly.

After the installation, the consultant needs to test and check the system to understand it is necessary.

Once the system is tested successfully, the consultant gives you the green signal and certifies the system. It means the water mist system has reached the “Let’s Go” level.


5.     Maintenance Check-Ups

Maintenance check-ups are essential when it comes to fire suppression systems. They let you know whether the system is working or needs some work.

Seeing the critical role that fire suppression systems play, you can’t take the risk of skipping maintenance and finding out some malfunctioning in the face of the raging fire.

But with the water mist system provided by the watermistsystem.co.uk, you will not need to call in the consultant now and then.

Instead, the water mist system will run a monthly self-test. If you find any malfunctioning, be sure to report it to the consultant!

Let’s Wrap It Up

A consultant plays an essential part in the installation of the water mist system. They know the strategic placement of it and what is needed to ensure that the system is suitably equipped should a fire break out.

Secondly, the consultant delivers you a floor plan required by Building Control to have a formal record of the installation route that is measured against guidelines.

Thirdly, a consultant ensures the proper execution of the system, which needs all the appropriate resources.

Fourthly, a certification is needed to expect a fully secure and operational system. To receive that certification, you need a consultant as they are legally authorized to give it the ‘green light’.

And lastly, maintenance check-ups. The custom built water mist system designed and installed by the IPH Water Mist System team can run monthly self-tests, so you can relax knowing that your buildng and personal property is looked after allp year round. However, should you recieve an alert call, this will need to be relayed to your water mist system installation consultant.

Supporting Resources

A New Way to Fight Fire

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